Best game project that ever walked the earth

This is released without the consent of the authors under GPL:

|-- arch
|   |-- linux
|   `-- win95
|       `-- cyg
|           |-- draw
|           |-- input
|           |-- net
|           |-- osdep
|           `-- sound
|-- data
|   |-- gfx
|   |-- maps
|   |-- movies
|   |-- music
|   |-- sound
|   `-- units
|       |-- u1
|       |   |-- gfx
|       |   `-- sound
|       |-- u2
|       `-- un
|-- kernel
|-- lib
|   |-- loaders
|   |-- mm
|   `-- zlib
|-- main
|   |-- main.c
|   `-- version.h
|-- render
|-- si          (sound interface)
|-- smu         (sprite management unit)
|-- ui
|-- um          (unit management)
`-- units
    |-- u1
    |-- u2
    `-- un